WD Painting LLC
Painting Services
in Westport, CT
Exterior & Interior Painting Services for the Westport, CT Area
Roughly fifty miles northeast of New York City situated off the Long Island Sound along the Gold Coast of Connecticut lies the town of Westport. This community has often served as a setting or inspiration for stories in pop culture media, such as Bewitched, The Stepford Wives, and The Great Gatsby. It has a population of 28,016 and hosts another 3,500-plus daily visitors who commute to the area for work in its vast financial services sector. The town is known for its affluence, ranking in the top twenty of “America’s 100 Richest Places.” According to Niche.com, it offers the greatest public schools in the state. The average house in Westport costs well over $1 million. If you’ve invested in a home in Westport, CT and want to keep it looking its best, trust the professional team at WD Painting LLC for quality interior and exterior painting services!
Our residential painters are capable of helping with the following for the interior of your home:
- Wallpaper Removal
- Priming
- Finishing
- Concrete Floor Painting
- Cabinet Painting
- Ceiling and Doors
- Baseboards
- Trim Work: Crown Molding, Base, Frames
If you’re interested in transforming the interior of your home, we welcome you to contact us, your Painting Westport CT company, today to request a free quote!
Residential and Commercial Painting Company near you
Our local residential and commercial painting company offers free quotes on all our painting, deck staining, power washing, and wallpaper removal services. We are properly certified, licensed, and insured for your peace of mind. Our crew uses products from trusted brands like Benjamin Moore and Sherwin-Williams. It won’t take long for you to see why WD Painting LLC has become the preferred painting company of so many local home and business owners.
When it comes to completing each project, our interior painters and exterior painters utilize their years of experience and knowledge in order to create an end result that you will love. We make sure to prep each site properly to ensure that not only will your project look great, but that the paint job will last you years. Far too many companies do not take the necessary steps to ensure the longevity of their results, which is why we make that a priority at WD Painting. We also strive to create a comfortable and open relationship with each of our clients, which allows a confident path of communication throughout the entire interior painting or exterior painting process.
Contact us today to schedule service in Westport, CT!